Public Speaking

Photos by CCG & Jürgen Sendel

Yannis Salavopoulos, Founder & Managing Director, CAPITALS Circle Group (CCG):

  • is C Level Public Speaker & Trainer, he has long experience and track record of many years in the field, he has delivered various public speaches, trainings, workshops to known brands, C level Managers & Senior Managers, to both large audiences as well as closed senior level audiences.
  • has delivered public speaches, training, workshops in the fields of his expertise such as Corporate Growth & Sales Strategy, Innovation & Digital Transformation Strategy, ESG & Sustainability Strategy, Corporate Communication Strategy in various countries such GER, GR, UK, BEL, CY, US, Bahrain, Kuwait etc. Focus sectors of above themes: Tech, Finance, Smart & Sustainable Energy, Smart & Sustainable Mobility, Industry 4.0.


  • CEO, CCG has delivered high level speeches, trainings, workshops at closed format events for well known brands such as: Deutsche Bank, National Bank of Bahrain, Commercial Bank of Kuwait, Commerzbank, Reuters Events, Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission, Deutsche Bahn, Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, EBRD Bank, European Investment Bank, Triton Asset Management, Hellenic Asset Management, Deca Investments, Vattenfall GER, SEB Bank GER, IBB Bank, Bitkom, Microsoft Germany, Rohde & Schwarz Germany, Airbus GER, Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency GER Enterprise Greece, City of Athens, Motor Oil SA, Imperial College London, York University UK, Geneva Business School & more.

Photos by CCG & Jürgen Sendel

CEO CCG delivers market driven public speeches tailor made to the needs of the client


Leading Growth + Preventing Risks