EVENTSWorkshop on Fundraising Strategies & Methods for Tech Startups & SMEs. Deliver the excellent Investors Deck, negotiate successfully with VCs
Workshop on Fundraising Strategies & Methods for Tech Startups & SMEs. Deliver the excellent Investors Deck, negotiate successfully with VCs

About this Event

CAPITALS Circle Group in cooperation with InnovAthens powered by Samsung organises for 5th consecutive year the Athens Digital Dialogue Series and cordially invites you to the Workshop on “Fundraising Strategies & Methods for Tech Startups & SMEs. Deliver the excellent Investors Deck, negotiate successfully with a VC Investor.” (9.4, InnovAthens Powered by Samsung). Learn Fundraising Strategies & Methods, deliver the perfect Investors Deck, learn what a VC/Corporate Investor expects, negotiate successfully all the financial, business and legal dimensions of a deal with a Venture Capital (VC)/Corporate Investor, complete successfully a Due Diligence Check, close the Deal with a Tech Investor. For the Tech Investors how to map and identify the tech startups with hidden growth potential and how to make more efficient Startups mapping and startups evaluation. Learn from Investors & Experts.

Date: 9.4.2020 (16.30 – 20.00 Workshop. 20.00 – 21.00 Networking).

Venue: InnovAthens Powered by Samsung.


– George Karantonis, Managing Partner, Metavallon Venture Capital (VC)

– Yannis Salavopoulos, Managing Director CAPITALS Circle Group (CCG) Advisory (Berlin, Athens) & University Lecturer.

The workshop is relevant and will add value to the CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, Strategy Officers and the senior management in general of early stage startups, pre-seed and seed phase startups, tech growth startups, tech SMEs, Angels, VC investors. Please register online as soon as possible since seats re limited. For more information please contact:

CAPITALS Circle Group ( is an international Advisory for the Digital Economy & Tech Industry (Tech Investors, Tech Startups, Growth Tech Startups, Tech SMEs & Tech Corporates). It has expertise & focus on Investor Relations/Fundraising Strategies, Investor/Financial Communication, Growth Strategy/Market Intelligence, Governance Risk & Compliance for tech topics. It is based in Berlin but it has activity and affiliates in Athens, Brussels, London.

Best Regards,

Yannis Salavopoulos, MBA, MSc

Managing Director, CAPITALS Circle Group

University Lecturer